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  3. Music Genres

Ambient MBTI 성격 유형


"Ambient은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Ambient은 mbti의 INFJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 9w1 - sx/sp - 954, big 5의 RCUAI, socionics의 IEI입니다."

As an INxJ my existence itself is ambient


Ambient music is usually minimalistic, attempting to stir up a certain atmosphere or imagery to the listener. The instruments used are mostly of an electronic nature such as synthesizers, samplers and drum machines. However more traditional instrumentation is also prevelant among artists. Its understated nature and tendency to evoke positive feelings in a listener make it very popular during relaxation and as feel good inspiration. Its darker side is also useful in creating tension and underlying emotion in TV and film. Subtle unsettling scores can make all the difference in keeping your audience on edge whilst not overpowering the scene. The origins of the music can be seen as beginning just before and after the first World War alongside art movements such as futurism which emphasized less traditional experimentation in music.
