1. 사람과 캐릭터
  2. 영화 산업
  3. Dirty Harry

Inspector "Dirty Harry" Callahan MBTI 성격 유형

Inspector "Dirty Harry" Callahan MBTI 성격 유형 image


"Inspector "Dirty Harry" Callahan은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Inspector "Dirty Harry" Callahan은 mbti의 ISTP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 8w9 - sx/sp - 863, big 5의 RCUEN, socionics의 LSI입니다."

"Uh huh, I know what you're thinking... I fired six shots or only five. But the truth is I lost count in all the excitement. But being the 44. Magnum, the world's most powerful hand gun can blow your head CLEAN off. You gotta ask yourself one question. Do I feel lucky? Well do you, punk?" The fact he follows a strict internal logic, even tho I only watched the 1st movie shows Ti. And the fact he managed to shoot criminals down even though they held him at gun point(or their victims) show Se, as he is very aware of his surroundings and circumstances. I loved how he was in the middle of eating a hotdog for lunch and walks out to confront a criminal robbing a bank is so cool Also the fact he says that whole line is to either give criminals confidence they might live or fear they are gonna get their heads blown off Def ISTP. An anti-hero cop you might say


The main protagonist of the series and the titular character, an uncouth, cynical, sarcastic cowboy cop with a tendency to break police protocol and occasionally the law in the name of stopping violent criminals and avenging their victims.

영화 산업 Inspector "Dirty Harry" Callahan과 유사한 문자
