Mei Tachibana MBTI 성격 유형


"Mei Tachibana은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Mei Tachibana은 mbti의 INFP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 9w8 - sp/sx - 946, big 5의 RLUAN, socionics의 IEI입니다."

I think she uses Ne-Si over Se-Ni making her an INFP over an ISFP. She’s definitely a 9w8 which might make her seem a bit impulsive and assertive at times but we see more of her thought processes as the story progresses. She uses a lot of Ne when she wonders about possibilities, especially when wondering how others may feel. She’s always unsure of how Yamato is feeling which leads her to doubt herself and shy away. She also asks herself a lot of questions throughout the show which is proof that she always has thoughts surging through her mind. She’s also very past-oriented and makes a lot of references to what has happened to her in the past throughout the show, so I'm thinking Si>Ni. I don’t see any Se usage as she likes to stay within her own comfort zone most of the time unless Yamato brings her along to other activities (amusement park episode is a good example). Her being afraid of trusting others were symptoms of an unhealthy 9 disintegrating into a 6, but it was nice to see her start to overcome that. Her character actually reminded me a lot of Shinae from I Love Yoo, but it makes sense since they're both INxP 9w8s. Anyways, it was really nice INFP-ENFJ contrast between her and Yamato :)


애니메이션 & 만화 Mei Tachibana과 유사한 문자
