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Dating Sim MBTI 성격 유형


"Dating Sim은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Dating Sim은 mbti의 INFP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 4w5 - sp/sx - 495, big 5의 RCUAN, socionics의 IEI입니다."

Wait how tf would this genre not be sx 2?


The Dating Sim is a type of game designed to set up goals, usually in the forms of schedules and stats corresponding to social skills, which must be achieved to discover a story focused entirely around the character development of the player's chosen DATE, get into their pants, or both. This leads to multiple endings, though some Dating Sims make it possible to see several of these "endings" in a single playthrough. Because there is almost no market for true Dating Sim games outside of Japan, it's a frequent misunderstanding among western gamers that "Dating Sim" is the general term for all ren'ai (romantic love) games. In fact, many romance games are Visual Novels, which is a much different game style. (See for example, the difference between the Ace Attorney series, which is very close to a Visual Novel style of gameplay, and the DOA Xtreme series, which is the closest thing to a true Dating Sim with mass-market appeal in the US.) If the game plays out like a Gamebook, that's a Visual Novel. If it feels like you're playing an RPG, trying to keep track of everyone's feelings about you and giving out presents, that's a Dating Sim. In recent years, there have been many Role Playing Games that incorporate dating sim elements. These dating sim elements are often referred to as Romance Sidequests in the RPG genre. Life Simulation Games and Farm Life Sims also tend to feature dating sim elements.
