J. J. Benítez MBTI 성격 유형


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Juan José Benítez López, born September 7, 1946, in the city of Pamplona, Navarre, is a Spanish author. Benítez received a journalism degree from the University of Navarra in 1965 and started his work as a journalist in the newspaper La Verdad of Murcia in January 1966. Over the next few years he became interested in, and commenced research on, in the UFO phenomena. After holding jobs at several other newspapers, he left journalism in the late 1970s in order to study Ufology. During his three decades as an author, he has published more than fifty books, including investigative reports, essays, novels and poetry, and sold more than nine million copies worldwide, over five million of them in the Caballo de Troya series. He created the television documentary series Planeta Encantado (Enchanted Planet), for which he traveled to seventeen countries in expound upon his theories as to great unsolved mysteries.

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