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Neutron Star MBTI 성격 유형


"Neutron Star은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Neutron Star은 mbti의 INTP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 5w4 - sp/sx - 541, big 5의 RLUEI, socionics의 LSI입니다."

Ti Dominant - It is literally one of the faintest types of stars in the universe. An undead, uniform remainder of what has once been a warm, bright, massive star that could have potentially sustained life on those huge rocks in its sphere of influence. The matter it is comprised of is almost purely neutral in charge and is packed so tightly that we can't even properly tell how exactly does it behave, and just what could be hiding under its so called crust layer of neutron matter. If you were to ever come in close contact with it, the star would spread its neutrality onto you and turn you into a neutron soup. Ne Auxiliary - A neutron star's gravitational field is so powerful that the light which comes off of it bends itself. The star distorts its own image in order to deceive its observers. You can really see both of its poles at the same time due to the effect of gravitational lensing. Actually, who even knows how many poles could a neutron star have. It might be neutrally charged on the inside, but it is clearly capable of sustaining a magnetic field. That's how weird it really is to us. You shouldn't believe it too much, either; it tends to lie about itself very often, but only to those who prefer to observe it from afar. The remaining two function explanations can be found in the reply under this comment.

