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Tabasa McNeil MBTI 성격 유형

Tabasa McNeil MBTI 성격 유형 image


"Tabasa McNeil은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Tabasa McNeil은 mbti의 ENFJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 9w1 - sx/so - 962, big 5의 SCUAN, socionics의 SEI입니다."

I thought about his enneagram for a while. Tabasa is known for being an all around, helpful kind of guy, but I don’t think he has a core desire to be loved. None of his actions really reflect that motive past the surface. In fact, it seems he almost resents being needed—he’s rather annoyed at helping Gardenia find her hairpiece on his day. Temperamentally, he reflects enneagram 9 more as well. All of Tabasa’s dialogue is very laid back, and he always seems to be trying to keep things steady. While attending to the needs of others does seem to come naturally to him, I think he does so just for calmness and harmony instead of wanting to feel valued and loved. I don’t see any behaviors that might suggest that motive instead. The way he represses anger without ever really blowing up makes me think he’s more likely to have a 1 wing than an 8 one. I also think he’s rather dutiful in his work despite his laidback nature. Another thing...I think he’s likely to be an Fe dom as well. Tabasa does pay attention to the emotional needs of others consistently, and generally adapts well to his environment, which suggests Fe-Se to me. There’s also the likelihood of him just being an ESTP, but I don’t think the Se is that strong as it’s not nearly as notable in his behaviors as his Fe is. Just the way he’s described by everyone in the town as a kind man who’s got a notable calming yet lively charisma about him...I’d say ENFJ 9 is most likely.


A caring young man who looks after animals and livestock. Kind of languid, but he's active, ultimately. 5'8", age 23.
