Nicky Jam MBTI 성격 유형


"Nicky Jam은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Nicky Jam은 mbti의 ESFP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 7w8 - sp/sx - , big 5의 , socionics의 SEE입니다."

"Han pasado 4 años y no ha pasado NADA! Necesitamo a Trump! Let's make America great again!" - Nicky Jam "It's been 4 years and NOTHING has happened! We need Trump! Let's make America great again!" - Nicky Jam, translated "Latin music superstar... Nicky Jam! You know Nicky? She's... HOT! Where is Nicky? Where is Nicky.. Thank you, Nicky.. Great to be... Having you here.. Oh, look!" - Donald J Trump "El grupo de pop rock mexicano Maná retiró de las plataformas digitales su colaboración con Nicky Jam, en protesta por este haber endosado a la candidatura de Donald Trump. "Maná no trabaja con racistas", dijo el grupo en Instagram. "Mexican pop rock group Maná has removed its collaboration with Nicky Jam from digital platforms in protest of his endorsement of Donald Trump's candidacy. "Maná does not work with racists," the group said on Instagram.


Nick Rivera Caminero (born March 17, 1981), known professionally as Nicky Jam, is a Latin trap, reggaeton singer and songwriter. He is best known for hits such as "X", "Travesuras", "Te Busco", "El Perdón", "Hasta el Amanecer", and "El Amante", the latter three from his 2017 album Fénix. He is also known for making romantic songs within the reggaeton genre. He has frequently collaborated with other latin artists such as Daddy Yankee, J Balvin, Ozuna, and Anuel AA.

음악 유명 인사 Nicky Jam과 유사합니다
