R. Kelly MBTI 성격 유형


"R. Kelly은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? R. Kelly은 mbti의 ESFJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 3w4 - sx/so - 378, big 5의 SLOEN, socionics의 SEE입니다."

Your all quoting directly from the most flamingly obvious 2 tirade about his big heart....pride, emotional histrionics and repression all wrapped up in a 15 second clip....yet vote him 3 and 8. Are we all still labouring under the impression that 2s have to be 'nice' or something? I mean he's obviously a very extreme and unhealthy example, but still clearly sx 2.


Robert Sylvester Kelly (born January 8, 1967) is an American singer, songwriter, record producer, and former professional basketball player. A native of Chicago, Kelly began performing during the late 1980s and debuted in 1992 with the group Public Announcement. In 1993, Kelly went solo with the album 12 Play. He is known for various songs including "Bump N' Grind", "Your Body's Callin'", "I Believe I Can Fly", "Gotham City", "Ignition (Remix)", "If I Could Turn Back the Hands of Time", "The World's Greatest", "I'm a Flirt (Remix)", and the hip-hopera "Trapped in the Closet". In 1998, Kelly won three Grammy Awards for "I Believe I Can Fly". His distinctive sound and style has influenced numerous hip hop and contemporary R&Bartists. Kelly became the first musician to play professional basketball, when he was signed in 1997.

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