Sekai Saionji MBTI 성격 유형

Sekai Saionji MBTI 성격 유형 image


"Sekai Saionji은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Sekai Saionji은 mbti의 ESFP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 2w3 - sx/so - 278, big 5의 SLUEI, socionics의 ESE입니다."

Look, I played the games when I was little (not the best idea tbh, it was my introduction to visual novels and eroges when I was like 12 or 13), and partially watched the anime, and I can totally say that she is ESFP. She shows no Si or Ne in the games. Se and ESPECIALLY Fi are prevalent. She didn't showed "signals" of Fe in the early gameplay or early episodes, it was pure Fi. She helped Makoto because she was important to HER, not because she cared for Kotonoha, or because she cared about others. it was her own personal appreciation towards her close friend. She is also incredibly selfish, to a point that in one of the endings, she made a plan where Kotonoha gets raped by one of her friends. Absolutely disgusting woman. **** Sekai, easily the worst girl in the game.


Sekai is Makoto's tomboyish classmate who pries into his affairs and learns about his crush on Kotonoha and puts them together. She regrets doing it immediately after because she's fallen in love with Makoto herself. Because she always puts Makoto and Kotonoha together, for her relationship with Makoto to succeed, his and Kotonoha's relationship must end, which can catalyze all the bad things that happen. #TsundereCharacters #YandereCharacters

애니메이션 & 만화 Sekai Saionji과 유사한 문자
