1. 사람과 캐릭터
  2. 비디오 게임
  3. Cuphead

King Dice MBTI 성격 유형


"King Dice은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? King Dice은 mbti의 ENTP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 7w8 - sp/so - 783, big 5의 SCOEN, socionics의 LIE입니다."

Why 7w8? Because he's a casino manager? I think 8w7 is a better fit, at least for the game version, because of the interactions with him. His dialogue with Cuphead sounds like he's trying to keep control of his deal and therefor Cuphead by being so strict on the whole going to a different isle thing. Along with that, he's a lot more confrontational than 7w8 usually are (not always of course, but sometimes), especially in those cutscenes in the middle of the game, and right before you battle him. I know this isn't the strongest argument out there, but I haven't seen one for 7w8 so I figured I'd explain mine. As for MBTI, I'd say ENTP. I could see possible Te, but his overall battle seems Ti based the way he attacks you and throws the henchmen at you until you get to the end. The one thing I don't really see is the Tert Fe, but it may not be that developed/might just be unhealthy Fe, which is possible as well. Plus he has ZERO Fi. But Ne-Ti is pretty clear. Inf Si makes sense too. I feel like if he had stronger Si or had it as his dom/tert, he would have simply taken Cuphead to the Devil instead of trying to take him on himself. Also his attacks are all the same, based off of past experiences/what he thought would work, you could say, which of course leads to player beating him because it's not a strong attack. Again this isn't my strongest argument but it's harder to type video game characters.


A man with a die for a head, who serves as the manager of The Devil's Casino and as The Dragon to the Devil. Fights you in "All Bets Are Off".

비디오 게임 King Dice과 유사한 문자
