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Hongjoong (ATEEZ) MBTI 성격 유형

Hongjoong (ATEEZ) MBTI 성격 유형 image


"Hongjoong (ATEEZ)은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Hongjoong (ATEEZ)은 mbti의 INFJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 2w3 - so/sx - 215, big 5의 RCOAI, socionics의 EIE입니다."

Guys, being a 4 isn't just being emotional and wanting to be unique and individualistic, because EVERY image type wants to be notable in the eyes of others. I don't know if he was originally voted 2 due to leader stereotypes or because caring/Fe but I do think he's one of the few idols who actually is a 2. 2s want to rescue others. 4s want others to rescue them. You see Hongjoong take a huge pride on himself and his role with Atinies. Eg someone picks on him and says "Joong if between million dollars and you what should I choose?" And Hongjoong does NOT Ilike people leaving him because he replies with "choose me. I'l give you 1 million dollars you ain't going anywhere.' He wants others to rely on him. He wants to be giving and he wants to be a significant part in others lives. Another random time is where Seonghwa said he wanted kids and Hongjoong was like "yeah l'm giving you a kid" with the most straight expression. He's always making sure to be the most competent person he can be and takes pride in it. Social 2 asf. He's always like "no fucker I'LL do it" and he gets jealous the way 2s do; he once said Atinies weren't allowed to look at another man. He doesn't want others to come and help him - he wants others to look at him and see him as someone they can rely on. Social 4s need others to see their suffering, because that's what 4 is all about. Communicating their suffering to others. 4s WANT a rescuer. They constantly brood over their negativities and flaws and fixate over how broken they are, and we don't see this in Hongjoong at all. In fact, he's super confident in his abilities, and when cheering people up he doesn't like them wallowing in their weaknesses and always tells them to buck themselves up again quickly so that they can focus on his vision and ambition again. There's a HUGE misconception about 2s in this community that whoever is kind and caring and motherly is a 2, and that makes up the entirety of a 2's character. No. 2's vice is pride and this exhibits itself in wanting to bring a memorable presence to the lives of others. They're prideful, and ambitious, both qualities perfectly present in Hongjoong. There may be some mistyped 2s on this site, but I doubt Hongjoong is one of them. Plus, social 2 as a subtype fits him to a T.


Kim Hongjoong (김홍중; born November 7, 1998), better known mononymously as Hongjoong, is a South Korean rapper, singer-songwriter, and composer under KQ Entertainment. He is the leader of the boy group ATEEZ. In 2017, he became a contestant on JTBC's reality survival show MIXNINE. He was eliminated in episode 10 after ranking 42nd place.

KPOP 유명 인사 Hongjoong (ATEEZ)과 유사합니다
