Belle MBTI 성격 유형


"Belle은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Belle은 mbti의 INFP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 4w5 - sp/so - 497, big 5의 RLUAI, socionics의 IEI입니다."

Tbh, I think the animated film Belle has a 9 fix in her Tritype- perhaps 9w8?? However, compared to this Belle, who was such a perfectionist and was often trying to be moral, seems rather 1. I think she has balanced wings, she is often emotionally distant and can be cold like a 1w9, but then she sometimes takes more action than usual as a 1w2, rather than avoiding more conflicts than a 1w9. The Belle in the animated film seemed to be more conflict avoidant and wanted peace over this one. However, at least both had the 4w5 Core. Btw, why would her instinctual variant be Sp/so 4? Why not Sx/sp 4? I don't think she is a complete perfectionist ( 1 fix) nor I don't see how she is often striving to be super unique and have a significant identity (4 core) Sp 4s are often more concerned for that, I don't think she could be Sp blind but at least probably it isn't high enough to be the primary instinct? Tritype Extended: 4w5 > 1w2 > 7w8 (this one w/ Emma Watson) Tritype Extended: 4w5 > 9w8 > 7w6 (animated)


An intelligent and strong-willed French peasant woman. She struggles to fit in with other villagers due to their Stay in the Kitchen and Anti-Intellectualism attitudes. However, the village also acknowledges her as a great beauty, attracting the attention of the self-absorbed town hero Gaston. When her father goes missing, she finds him held prisoner by the Beast and agrees to take his place.
