The Major MBTI 성격 유형


"The Major은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? The Major은 mbti의 ENTP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 7w8 - so/sp - 783, big 5의 SLOEI, socionics의 EIE입니다."

No he's not an ENTJ, people see a leader and automatically think there must be Te somewhere high up. He's just too playful and disorganised to be Te-Ni. He has absolutely no objective in the long run, is meek during any face to face opposition, his 'plans' just involve sending his men to die for the sake of it He is very similar to Nimura Furuta in Tokyo Ghoul. Loves pulling the strings, conjures chaos just for the fun of it, very creative, no real end goal, loves to troll... Quite an obvious ENTP



애니메이션 & 만화 The Major과 유사한 문자
