Phantom MBTI 성격 유형


"Phantom은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Phantom은 mbti의 ENTP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 3w4 - sx/sp - , big 5의 SCUEI, socionics의 ILE입니다."

I want to assume that Phantom is Maplestory's Robin Hood. His lore (on his third Job advancement especially) is that he grew tired of constantly seeing the rich people of Ariant become corrupt with wealth/power (basically taking away wealth from the poor)- so he ended up deciding to steal from the rich of Ariant in an attempt to stop it (or at least make a message to those in a higher power). I also want to say that I think he has a well developed Si instead of Ni- just because throughout his job advancements- he most noticeably appeals to his Si- saying things like, "This vault brings back so many memories. It only feels like yesterday that I was watching nouveau riche snobs buy themselves positions of power" and inf Si reacting with his Ne (creating a pseudo ISFJ-esque line), "I really don't want to know how many airborne plagues I've just inhaled". Not to mention that the biggest troll is the fact that he flies in a ship made up of treasures he's stolen from the rich just to taunt all those that he seems to find unjust. Even in Heroes of Maple, you can see him just constantly trolling his comrades and saying things he knows will trigger them in some way- just to see their reaction. He's also extremely witty/charming/cunning and is prepared for basically anything that may or may not get thrown at him. You can argue that he could be Se or Ne dom, but I personally see Ne just because of the reason behind his seemingly materialistic approach to life (which as I mentioned before- stems from seeing injustice in the system of wealth and equality). I also may be relying on a stereotype, but he's also the biggest Jack-of-All-Trades character I've seen in a while. He quickly comes up with potential solutions (planning and innovating new techniques to steal from the rich of Ariant/future heists) and even steals skills from other characters just for his own use (even if the skill itself isn't particularly useful). - Translated Phantom bio

