Vanitas MBTI 성격 유형


"Vanitas은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Vanitas은 mbti의 ESFP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 8w7 - sx/sp - 837, big 5의 SCUEN, socionics의 SLE입니다."

This is reposted from a comment on the off-topic board, so please pardon any messy grammar or poor organization: Just imagine him in like a Shinra board meeting with all the FF7 Te doms or something like that, or doing planning for the Organization with Xemnas and Saix. He'd be kicked out so fast, either that or he'd try to blow something up. I know it's far from a given that all ENTJs would get along or would be at home in a board meeting, but I just can't see Vanitas calming the fook down and planning anything more than his next move. Following Master Xehanort's plan is one thing, but where does he show any penchant for planning of his own other than, "Ooh, here's someone I can mess with!" He just has waaaay more Se than Te, or any other function for that matter. As for his Fi, Fi doesn't necessarily mean GOOD morals. If his internal values say that he can do whatever the heck he wants because he just doesn't care about anyone but himself, that's still Fi. It's just very, very unhealthy Fi. In his death scene, he about says so. Ven says he can choose a different path, and he replies that his path IS the one he chose. Yep, his authentic evil Fi aux self right up to the end. Also, now I'm thinking he's a 7w8 rather than an 8w7. He seems to desire freedom to wreak havoc more than control. Staying under Master Xehanort's wing gives him plenty of fun messing with people, but far less control over his own life.


Vanitas, also known as The Masked Boy (仮面の少年 Kamen no Shōnen), is a Keyblade wielder, the creation and second apprentice of Master Xehanort, the embodiment of the extracted darkness from Ventus's heart, and the progenitor of the Unversed. Vanitas is one of the main antagonists in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, and a supporting antagonist in Kingdom Hearts III as Rank XI of the real Organization XIII. #CompleteMonster
