Ann / Ran MBTI 성격 유형


"Ann / Ran은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Ann / Ran은 mbti의 ENFP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 2w3 - so/sx - 297, big 5의 SCUAI, socionics의 입니다."

She’s clearly based off Anne of Green Gables (and perhaps Pipi Longstalking to some extent), and is a wild child due to never having had a mother to socialize her; hence Sx>So. And the way she loves to binge-eat is also very Sx. As for her temperament: She's bound to often be Sanguine-Melancholic at times in private, but puts on a Dominant Sanguine mask for others; and she becomes anything but Sanguine when gifted feminine accoutrements. She's even situationally Choleric—like when dating Cliff and he overtly tells her he'd like her to be more ladylike. I get people casting her as a core 2, as a she's a hospitable hostess, cook, etc. She's just not that fleshed out, though, and I think if she were she'd behave more like a core 7. Admittedly, though, that's an invisible note my imagination is filling in (drawing inspiration from the associations I intuitively perceive); feel free to imagine her a core 2, though—she's certainly got a lot of 2 in her, in any case. And I guess I can see why some might say she's high in 9; until married, she spends 2-3 hours at the hot spring every morning. And if she's with an easygoing guy like Cliff who lets her get her way more often than not, I could see her remaining high in 9. I'm typing her a 728, though, just because I deduce that's what I'd naturally draw out of her.


비디오 게임 Ann / Ran과 유사한 문자
