Popura Taneshima MBTI 성격 유형


"Popura Taneshima은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Popura Taneshima은 mbti의 ESFJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 3w2 - so/sp - 361, big 5의 SLOAI, socionics의 ESE입니다."


Cute and extremely petite, seventeen-year-old Popura is Souta's sempai both at school and at work. Indeed, she's the main reason why he is even working at Wagnaria to begin with, having "recruited" him off the street one day. Earnest, kind to a fault and hardworking, Popura would like it better if some of her coworkers took her more seriously; unfortunately due to her cuteness and her diminutive height, this won't happen any time soon.

애니메이션 & 만화 Popura Taneshima과 유사한 문자
