Entrapta MBTI 성격 유형


"Entrapta은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Entrapta은 mbti의 ENTP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 5w6 - so/sp - 594, big 5의 SCUAI, socionics의 ILE입니다."

I think I'm just gonna do a whole series on the She-ra characters since I think most of them are mistyped. Maybe I'll do Adora next since I disagree with the type 1 consensus but let's now focus on the subject of today's analysis; Entrapta. Part I: The type 5 and why not Entrapta. Type 5s are motivated by avarice. A greed motivated by a fear of scarcity. "If the gesture of anger is to run over, that of avarice is one of holding back and holding in. While anger expresses greed in an assertive (even though unacknowledged) way, greed in avarice manifests only through retentiveness. This is a fearful grasping, implying a fantasy that letting go would result in catastrophic depletion. Behind the hoarding impulse there is, we may say, an experience of impending impoverishment." I do not see such a desire within Entrapta. She seems quite comfortable with the give and take relationships between her and the outside world. She doesn't learn because she feels like the outside world would drain her so she lives vicariously through it, but because she has a idealistic obsession with the concept of discovery. Most of the traits structure in conflict with her character as well. She's not retentive as she does not share the 5s feeling of never receiving care. She has no reservations to give her time or energy to others without receiving because she's primarly motivated by idealistic ideology sharing rather than resource protection, the same can be said for the not giving trait. Feelinglessness is not prominent, Entrapta has no problem sharing enthusiasm with others and usually doesn't hold things back, a primary part of the 5s personality. Postponement of action ("On the other hand, action requires an enthusiasm for something, a presence of feelings—which is not the case in the apathetic individual. To do is also something like showing one’s self to the world, for one’s actions manifest one’s intentions. One who wants to keep his intentions hidden (as the avaricious typically does) will also inhibit his activity on these grounds and develop, instead of a spontaneous movement and initiative, an excessive restraint.") is in direct opposition with her happy, explorative nature. Last but not least we have negativism within the 5 that prevents them to partake in action because they are afraid something might go wrong and that would cost them more recourses (emotionally or physically.) Entrapta is someone who desires failure as she sees it as a vital part of scientific discovery. "Well, there’s no reason to get huffy because an experiment fails. Failure is a vital part of scientific endeavor. [She goes to the table and grabs the hex driver, continuing her conversation with Emily.] What if I have given up on you after the first explosion? Or the fiftieth?! I know, I should leave. But I have to stay, for science!!!" This shows a direct contradiction with the 5 nature. Entrapta knows that she has to give energy to receive it, which is the fatal flaw of the 5s character. Part II: Sexual 7 as an alternative Her desire for knowledge is mostly caused by a idealistic fascination for discovery which does actually fall into the gluttony part of the 7s personality. "Also, an attraction to that which is beyond the boundaries of one’s own culture reflects the same displacement of values from here to there; and the same may be said of the typical anticonventional tendencies of type VII. In this case, the ideal may be in a utopian, futuristic, or progressive outlook rather than in existing cultural models." The sexual 7 is characterised mainly by its wish fulfillment. "gluttons usually have a futuristic orientation for through an identification with plans and ideals, the individual seems to live imaginatively in them rather than in down-to-earth reality." As a way of coping with rejection Entrapta usually enters further into the land of science to distract herself. She hereby rationalises her own suffering (defense mechanism) to compensate for how badly she might feel about her personal life. She finds solace in discovery because it's a way for her to feel happy and useful instead of how she feels within the social atmosphere which she has difficulty with and usually manages to even make those events endurable by doing so (Princess prom) "The sexual seven is not earthly, but heavenly. He is not interested in the things of this world. It is the gluttony of the things of a higher and more advanced world. The sexual E7 is what we might call a dreamer. To define it, Ichazo used the word suggestive, which I understand as the passion to imagine something better than the bleak reality. It is the passion to enchant reality, to fantasize, to paint things pink." Are the character traits that make her such a good inventor and what attracted Hordak to her. The only thing she sees in things and others is a gluttonous potential for the extraordinary, which is the lovely ability the sexual 7 possess. (Excerpts from Character and Neurosis)


Entrapta is the princess of Dryl. She is one of the Non-Elemental Princesses and a member of the Rebellion throughout seasons one to three, known for her technology and upbeat comments.
