Buddy MBTI 성격 유형


"Buddy은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Buddy은 mbti의 ESFP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 8w7 - sx/sp - 837, big 5의 SLUEI, socionics의 SEE입니다."

LISA is my favorite game series and, by all means, I would surely desire to share a type with some of game characters, but there is no way Buddy is an ENFP. I'll type by functions for you: Se-dom - There is actually not much to say about that. She is quite physical, even extraordinarily, mostly because she got training from Se-aux Brad. She was not repulsed by joy in Joyful, even if she knew the consequences, this, by my thinking, is Se-dom(ish) behavior. No other examples, sorry, I'll elaborate further. Fi-aux - Buddy is extremely Fi-driven character. Almost all she did in Painful and Joyful is correlated to her usage of Fi. While she did not actually care about other people feelings, she, indeed, put a lot of attention to her felling's and her persona and justify a lot of her actions by the fact that her feelings were not put into consideration. She almost might be mistaken to a Fi-dom, but there is here extremely low Ni that does not allow her to be INFP / ISFP. Te-tert - While Te is extremely important function, it almost always associated with some kind of villainy. That is because Te does not put nor yours, neither others feelings into consideration. While healthy developed Te is the thing every leader of some sort needs, the Te-tert is almost always out of touch with reality man-child, that wants you to be ruthless and pragmatic when this is unnecessary. Those being said, Buddy often do stupid things that hurt her own feelings and feelings of people she close to just to achieve her goal. There will be no spoilers, but you most probably know what scenes I am talking about. Ni-inf - Buddy main companion in Joyful is Rando. He is Ni-dom character (INFJ) and his main goal in Painful was to save the humankind from extinction, to say the least. His Fe-aux, indeed, was high enough to put Buddy opinion into consideration. That was mistake, because Buddy had no plan. Had no goal. Her ultimate life-plan was to kill bosses from The List (because of her 8w7 enneagram combined with Fi) so there will be nobody to control her. She did not think about her dying through the process, did not think about her usage of joy, did not actually thing about repopulating Olathe and so on, because she did not see the big picture.

