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Ginger Baker MBTI 성격 유형


"Ginger Baker은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Ginger Baker은 mbti의 ISTP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 8w7 - sx/sp - 874, big 5의 RLUEN, socionics의 입니다."

Rip. Never been a big fan of Cream but he did drum for Fela Kuti for a long time.


Peter Edward "Ginger" Baker (19 August 1939 - 6 October 2019) was an English drummer and a founder of the rock band Cream. His work in the 1960s earned him the reputation of "rock's first superstar drummer", while his individual style melded a jazz background with African rhythms. He is credited as a pioneer of drumming in genres like jazz fusion, heavy metal and world music.

음악 유명 인사 Ginger Baker과 유사합니다
