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  3. Historical Figures (1200s)

Alauddin Khalji, Delhi Sultanate MBTI 성격 유형

Alauddin Khalji, Delhi Sultanate MBTI 성격 유형 image


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ʿAlāʾ ud-Dīn Khaljī (r. 1296–1316), born as Ali Gurshasp, was the most powerful emperor of the Khalji dynasty that ruled the Delhi Sultanate in the Indian subcontinent. Alauddin instituted a number of significant administrative changes, related to revenues, price controls, and society. He is noted for repulsing the Mongol invasions of India. Alauddin was the most powerful ruler of his dynasty.[79][80] Unlike the previous rulers of the Delhi Sultanate, who had largely relied on the pre-existing administrative set-up, Alauddin undertook large-scale reforms. After facing the Mongol invasions and several rebellions, he implemented several reforms to be able to maintain a large army and to weaken those capable of organizing a revolt against him.

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