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  3. Historical Figures (1200s)

Berke Khan, Ruler of the Golden Horde MBTI 성격 유형

Berke Khan, Ruler of the Golden Horde MBTI 성격 유형 image


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Berke Khan (died 1266) (also Birkai; Mongolian: Бэрх хаан, Tatar: Бәркә хан) was a grandson of Genghis Khanand a Mongolian military commander and ruler of the Golden Horde (division of the Mongol Empire)[1] who effectively consolidated the power of the Blue Horde and White Horde from 1257 to 1266. He succeeded his brother Batu Khan of the Blue Horde (West) and was responsible for the first official establishment of Islam in a khanate of the Mongol Empire. Berke Khan converted to Islam in the city of Bukhara in 1252. When he was at Saray-Jük, Berke met a caravan from Bukhara and questioned them about their faith. Berke was convinced to convert by the caravan travellers and became a Muslim. Berke then persuaded his brother Tukh-timur to convert to Islam as well. He allied with the Egyptian Mamluksagainst another Mongol khanate based in Persia, the Ilkhanate. Berke also supported Ariq Böke against Kublai in the Toluid Civil War, but did not intervene militarily in the war because he was occupied in his own war against his cousin, Hulagu Khan. Many historians[9] are in agreement that the intervention by Berke against Hulagu saved the remainder of the Holy Land, including Mecca and Jerusalem, from the same fate as Baghdad.

역사적 유명 인사 Berke Khan, Ruler of the Golden Horde과 유사합니다
