21 Savage MBTI 성격 유형


"21 Savage은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? 21 Savage은 mbti의 ISTP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 6w5 - sx/sp - 683, big 5의 RCUEN, socionics의 LSI입니다."

why 8w9, though his 8 fix is prominent in his lyrics the general focus on a lot of his songs seem are about loyalty, keeping a strong inner circle, and betrayal, not to mention the overall suspicious and vigilant tone in his songs like "no heart" and "ball w/o you" and a lot more. the 8 votes are prob his sx instinct which explains his persona well, and despite him having 8 as a fix his lyrics and interviews don't describe the passion of lust and intense stimulation, and 8s are more likely to try to be autonomous rather than describe the importance of their inner circle.


Shéyaa Bin Abraham-Joseph (born October 22, 1992), known by his stage name 21 Savage, is a rapper, songwriter and record producer who was born in London, England, and is based in Atlanta, Georgia. He became known in Atlanta for the 2015 mixtape The Slaughter Tape before attaining nationwide attention following an EP collaboration Savage Mode (2016) with the producer Metro Boomin and its popular singles "X" and "No Heart", as well as a guest feature on the 2016 Drake single "Sneakin'".

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