Gael Garcia Bernal MBTI 성격 유형


"Gael Garcia Bernal은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Gael Garcia Bernal은 mbti의 ENFJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 7w6 - - , big 5의 , socionics의 입니다."


Gael García Bernal (Spanish pronunciation: [ɡaˈel ɣarˈsi.a βerˈnal]; born 30 November 1978) is a Mexican film actor, director, model and producer. He and Diego Luna founded Canana Films in Mexico City. García Bernal is best known for his performances in the films Bad Education, The Motorcycle Diaries, Amores perros, Y Tu Mama Tambien, Babel and Coco, and for his role as Rodrigo de Souza in the Amazon Studios' web television series Mozart in the Jungle.

대중 문화 유명 인사 Gael Garcia Bernal과 유사합니다
