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  3. Foundation (Series)

Hari Seldon MBTI 성격 유형


"Hari Seldon은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Hari Seldon은 mbti의 INTJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 5w6 - so/sp - 513, big 5의 , socionics의 입니다."

After finally reading 'Forward the Foundation' that is all about Seldon's life/Personality. This post is mainly to explain why he is an INTJ, it may seem obvious because of his embodiment of the archetype of the Seer, or the notion of an old man who made a 1000 year plan to solve a problem= INTJ. Hari Seldon is, primarily, a pattern perceiver, an introspective, a man who sees the world as a intangible objects, archetypes. His mind is not one that wants to make everything into a logical and precise view, but a mind that dives deep into abstract insights that are usually imprecise but too 'wild' in the way that it can bring far conclusions with little basis. His mind is not naturally a mathematical mind, (although mathematician) but an intuitive one: "...Hers (Dors' mind) was a mind that only remembered and drew the obvious inferences in the fashion of a mathematic line of deduction. He (Hari) had a mind that leaped unexpectedly. Seldon liked to pretend that intuition was solely the province of his assistant, Yugo Amaryl, but Dors was not fooled by that. Seldon liked to pose as the unworldly mathematician who stared at the world out of perpetually wondering eyes..." =>It's an extract from Forward the Foundation, it includes the thoughts of Dors about Hari Seldon, Dors represents an example of the thinker rational type (especially an introverted thinker,(ISTP?) despite the fact that she is a robot, but I see. Her mind as very similar to humans, including duality of emotions/logic) as Jung described them, Seldon is the 'thinker' irrational intuitive type, a mind that leaps unexpectedly. And you certainly noticed that Azimov the included the notion of Intuition directly in his description of the characters. ["Intuition! What's that? Define it!" (Dors said) "Easily, intuition is the art, peculiar to the human mind, of working out the correct answer from data that ia, in itself, incomplete or even, perhaps, misleading" (Seldon) "And you've done it?."(Dors) And Seldon said with firm conviction, "Yes, I have."] An extract again from the same book.👆 Ni as Jung stated: "The essential characteristic of intuition is that it is an irrational function, which does not depend on reason but has a peculiarly subtle feeling for things that transcends the realm of conscious judgment." Another example of his Ni: "Life no longer stretched before him as a vast uncharted field, its horizon lost in the distance." (Another extract about Seldon's conscious thought pattern) =>Archetypical perception, 'Field' and 'Lost Horizon'= Ni +++ To be continued in the comments...


문학 Hari Seldon과 유사한 문자
