Catherine Deneuve MBTI 성격 유형


"Catherine Deneuve은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Catherine Deneuve은 mbti의 ISFJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 9w1 - sp/so - 927, big 5의 , socionics의 SEI입니다."

- Extremely shy. "By myself I would never have made cinema! I was far too shy." (3) She even stopped for 4 years and got back to her studies. Still very shy at 37, despite a wonderful carreer, universal acclaim and constant praise. - Extremely polite and "well raised", very aware of etiquette and attentive to good manners. (4) - She is known to be cold, sometimes extremely cold, secretive, haughty, but also classy, stylish —the model of bourgeois elegance. - Very serious. "I'm a serious person." (1) "(In this film) I am a very academic girl, very pure and very hung up on the sentimental level. Not a sexy role at all. A very quiet, hard-working student... I love this kind of role, especially since the person who wrote it knows me well, I know him well, and I say things that I wanna say, that I say every day in my life, so for me there's no problem, it's not even acting." (2) Basically a very introverted version of Emma Watson (ESTJ-1w2). "I don't feel as young as I am, certainly because I had a child very early in my life, I was very young, and I was living with people from another (older) generation." (4) - The opposite of an exhibitionist. Never wanted to play sexy roles. (2) "When acting I always find it kind of obscene to "play the comedy" [French for both "acting" and "put on an act", "fake it"]. There's someting inside me that refuses it. I know it, I know it's true." She even says that she doesn't really like acting in itself, she prefers to feel some connection with a character (when reading a screenplay, preparing for her role)… "What I like is a certain way of living things... It's much more fanciful (novel-like) in my life. But the exhibitionist part, all that... no. I don't live like that." "The filming part isn't the one that gives me the more pleasure." She prefers to "live her life", which is meeting a director, reading and talking about the role, etc. "I'm not a real actress [laughing]. It's true! I swear it's true! I say it with a laugh but it's true." (4) - She can be extremely disagreeable. Darius Rochebin, famous Swiss journalist: "She was horrible, really obnoxious, from start to finish. And at the same time it was her charm... After the interview, we were in the elevator. I say to her: 'a small photo for the social medias', she says to me: 'no, I don't like social medias', she turned around with her very loose fur coat and we finished the journey in the elevator with her turning her back to me." - When offended/upset after the cancellation of a movie she was working on ("Coup de foudre"), she just stopped making movies for a full year. - Not future oriented. Not ambitious. —(At 18) "I don't think much about the future. For me, 3 years from now is very far away." "I don't know who I'll be, I think." (1) (Journalist: "Your sister told me that she wanted to be the first actress of her time or nothing. Do you think so too?") "No. She's much more ambitious than me. I think it's a flaw, by the way. She's very ambitious, very proud, very self-confident. I think it's great. I'm not like this. We're extremely different." She didn't even wanted to be an actress, it was a mere coincidence according to her. (3) Always wanted to live "a normal life". - Afraid of suffering. "What I want is to be happy in my work [when working], and I have some terrible images in my head of unhappy actresses. I'm not looking for happiness, but for not being unhappy." (4) - Always hated to be compared, even at 18 when she had to recognise that she still hadn't found her own style. (1) "I'm not saying I have an extraordinary personality, but there's no ressemblance at all, except maybe for the hairstyle." (2) - She overcame the death of her sister not with alcohol or drug abuse, but by drawning herself in her work. - "For me betrayal is not a tragedy. I believe that one can betray and love at the same time. I don't think it's contradictory. I think there are things much more dramatic than that. It's a human weakness, which I can understand, therefore forgive." - She is the kind of woman who fell madly in love (for a few months or a few years) with many men during her life, to the point of marrying, having a child very early on, divorcing, falling in love again, breaking up, falling in love again and again, without ever seeming to lose her illusions about love in general. - Politically quite on the left and brave enough in her commitments to not care about being controversial: she signed a petition proclaiming she had had an abortion when it was still a serious crime in France (1971). Fought against the death penalty. Also supported Roman Polanski, accused of rape. As a 1960s liberal feminist, she also criticized the #MeToo movement, co-signing a polemical tribune on the "freedom to harass". (1) (2) (3) (4)


Catherine Deneuve (French: [katʁin dənœv]; born 22 October 1943) is a French actress as well as an occasional singer, model and producer. She gained recognition for her portrayal of aloof, mysterious beauties for various directors, including Luis Buñuel, François Truffaut and Roman Polanski. In 1985, she succeeded Mireille Mathieu as the official face of Marianne, France's national symbol of liberty.

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