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Bubba Watson MBTI 성격 유형

Bubba Watson MBTI 성격 유형 image


"Bubba Watson은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Bubba Watson은 mbti의 ISTP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 9w8 - - , big 5의 , socionics의 입니다."


Gerry Lester "Bubba" Watson Jr. (born November 5, 1978) is an American professional golfer who plays on the PGA Tour. One of the few left-handed golfers on tour, he is a multiple major champion, with victories at the Masters Tournament in 2012 and 2014. In February 2015, Watson reached a career-high 2nd place in the Official World Golf Ranking.

스포츠 유명 인사 Bubba Watson과 유사합니다
