Frieza MBTI 성격 유형


"Frieza은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Frieza은 mbti의 ENTJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 8w7 - so/sp - 836, big 5의 SLOEI, socionics의 EIE입니다."

My argument for 3 against 8 His positional and hierarchical stance is why I have him as an image type. I definitely disagree that he never shows concern about what other people think about him. His general orientation is on asserting himself to the entire universe as the more superior and worthy being, and that people should submit to his greatness. Yes he relishes in dominating other people, but domination alone is not what makes someone a type 8. Why does he dominate is the point. With someone like Azula she also relishes in dominating her opponents, and can be argued to be sadistic, but what is her mindset? Her, and Frieza’s, mindset comes from a vanity about how their sense of worth is tied to metrics that validate their superiority over other people. Their sense of worth is tied to themselves in correlation to others. Enneagram 8’s do not have this need to dominate to assert their superior status. Enneagram 8’s dominate from a sense of enjoying purely the stimulation of domination. The same ego that exists for the 3 when they dominate and assert themselves in the environment, as the 3 is an assertive type like the 8, is not what drives the 8 when they dominate. The 8’s domination will appear to be less egoistic than the 3’s fueled vanity, in that the 8 is more like a Toji type who is genuinely enjoying the sensational thrill of the experience in its totality. With Frieza he is always preoccupied with some metric that verifies his superiority over others, and he isnt fully immersed in the present like an Se type. There is also another thing in regards to why 8 for Frieza doesnt make sense and its that no subtype truly fits the character. It would be tempting to give him the sexual 8 subtype but arguing that Frieza is histrionic for attention in the way a sexual 8 is histrionic for attention is off. Sexual 8’s are rebels who do not respect rules and act out for attention. They want your eyes to be on them and they react to the present to get the attention of the world. Sure, Frieza makes his presence known in his environment but Froeza is absolutely not oriented by rebellion and attention seeking. Frieza is a domineering correcter of the world around him, criticizing people for how they do their job with sly and shrewd remarks, judging the efficiency of the people under him, and so forth. If you are genuinely typing one of the most poised, orderly, competence focused rulers as a sexual 8 then you need to reevaluate how you interpret this character. Next is self preservation 8. Now why would Frieza be a type that is focused on satiating lustful impulses and getting his needs met like a Guts, Toji or Wolverine type? Are you guys aware of the attitude of the character you are typing? Yes he likes to dominate people. If thats all it takes to be an 8 then read it more carefully. There is a vice of lust in that these types tend to gobble up what they think they need to survive. Its the constant gambling for quick fixes in Toji, the senseless love for fighting like Guts, and the “out of my way so I can get what I need for myself” attitude like Wolverine. This 8 and 3 thing is getting out of hand and im going to make one for the Bakugo page as well, because yall type every Te dominant type 3 as an 8 and its so annoying.


Frieza is the main antagonist of DBZ's Frieza Saga and DBS's Resurrection F saga, and is also perhaps, the series' most iconic and memorable villain, due to his sheer impact and role in the overall lore. A brutal, sadistic and ruthless space dictator, Frieza is the son of King Cold and was the overlord for the Saiyans, who served as elite mercenaries for his empire. Despite being a merciless tyrant, Frieza is also polite, "respectful" and elegant. And is revealed to be insecure of his height. Frieza has an intense dislike and bigotry towards the Saiyan race, fearing their raw strength and potential, and upon hearing the Legend of the Super Saiyan, decided to commit genocide, thus, wiping them out of existence. Only a handful survived and among them, one would fulfill the prophecy that he feared so much and thus, bringing about his demise. However, decades later, in DB Super, he is resurrected and comes out more "careful" but, evil nonetheless. #CompleteMonster #ENFJVillains
