Thomas Whitmore MBTI 성격 유형


"Thomas Whitmore은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Thomas Whitmore은 mbti의 ENFJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 1w2 - - 163, big 5의 , socionics의 LSE입니다."

He is a textbook Fe-dom, not Te. He’s a leader so people automatically think Te, but Fe-doms make great leaders in different ways than Te-doms. Compare: ‘Extraverted Thinking individuals focus on organizing and categorizing the outside world. They are obvious in their love of scheduling and organizing the environment and the people around them. As a result, they tend to make good leaders.’ vs. ‘Extraverted Feelers can inspire and unite a group in times of division. For ENFJs, Fe shines through in their sense of leadership and community. They usually make decisions by weighting on how their actions may affect those around them.’ He’s a textbook ENFJ throughout the movie. His first reaction when the aliens showed up: “I don’t want to add to a public hysteria that’s gonna cost lives.” “We’ll advise people not to panic. The best idea right now is to stay in their homes.” “It’s understandable that many of us feel hesitation or fear…” His decision to delay the evacuation was based on people’s emotions. This mistake points to weak Te. And he assumed the aliens may be friendly: Fe emphasizes compassion and harmony. Several scenes follow that are emotionally charged: 1. (to General Grey) “I had a feeling you would.” Not I knew you would. 2. “A lot of people died today. How many didn’t have to?” 3. “May our children forgive us.” “Call the other planes back. I said call them back!” 4. “I’m a combat pilot, Will. I belong in the air.” Instead of giving the logical explanation that he’d be more useful as a pilot than as a president. He’s clearly oriented toward the sentiments of others as well as his own. His decisions have been driven by compassion over practicality. Let’s not forget the famous mind-rape scene: the alien literally had to bully him into using nuclear weapons, which had been the logical choice. Nimsiki was right—not much of America left, major cities already deserted, so nuclear damage would be negligible. But still, he needed to witness first-hand what the aliens were planning, so his decision to nuke them was probably driven by fear and fury, not logical thinking. Fe not Te. Conclusion: he’s an ENFJ through and through, but why? Most likely because a, movies tend to favor emotion over reason, and b, Bill Pullman is an INFJ so that bleeds into his acting and his character.

