Mage MBTI 성격 유형


"Mage은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Mage은 mbti의 INTP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 5w6 - sp/so - 514, big 5의 RCOEI, socionics의 LII입니다."

Classic Mage: INTP Elementalist: ENFP Warlock: ENTJ Empath: xNFJ Witch/Sorcerer: INFx Alchemist: xNTP Dark/Shadow Mage: INTJ Necromancer: INTJ Bard: IxFP Cleric: IxFJ


Other Names: Magician, Wizard, Sorcerer, Witch, Warlock, Magi, Magus, Sage. By whatever name you know this class by, you know this class. In any game with classes, there will always be one that maps to the Magician. These have the widest variety of any set of role-playing classes simply because there are so many varieties of Functional Magic. In a Fantasy Kitchen Sink setting, there can potentially be an infinite number of magic users, so long as there is justification for considering them each their own type. A Magician is usually a Glass Cannon, blasting away at long range, but easily taken down at close range. Variations include: The Inherent Gift Magician (Sorcerer), The Theurgist Magician (Warlock), The Summoner Magician (Conjurer), The Vancian Magician (wizard), The Red Mage (jack of all trades), The Necromantic Magician (Necromancer), The Illusionist Magician (illusionist), The Nature Magician, The Elemental Magician (Black Mage), The Druid Magician (Druid), The Shamanic Magician (Shaman).
