Celes Chere MBTI 성격 유형


"Celes Chere은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Celes Chere은 mbti의 INTJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 1w2 - sp/sx - 154, big 5의 RLUAN, socionics의 ILI입니다."

【 Celes Big 5 】 Friendliness: 1/3 Gregariousness: 0/3 Assertiveness: 1/3 Activity level: 1/3 Excitement-Seeking: 0/3 Cheerfulness: 0/3 Reserved > Social 3 - 15 ---------------------------------- Anxiety: 2/3 Anger: 1/3 Depression: 1/3 Self-consciousness: 2/3 Immoderation: 1/3 Vulnerability: 1/3 Limbic < Calm 8 - 10 ---------------------------------- Self-Efficacy: 2/3 Orderliness: 2/3 Dutifulness: 1/3 Achievement -Striving: 0/3 Self-discipline: 2/3 Cautiousness: 2/3 Organized = Unorganized 9 - 9 ---------------------------------- Trust: 1/3 Morality: 2/3 Altruism: 1/3 Cooperation: 1/3 Modesty: 3/3 Sympathy: 2/3 Ego-driven < Accommodating 8 - 10 ---------------------------------- Imagination: 0/3 Artistic interests: 1/3 Emotionality: 1/3 Adventurousness: 0/3 Intellect: 2/3 Liberalism: 0/3 Inquisitive < Non-Curious 4 - 14


A former general of the Empire, Celes is a Magitek Knight who received her magic infusion as a child, granting her the power to use magic; fortunately by then, the process had been perfected and she didn't lose her mind as Kefka did. Locke meets Celes during his infiltration of the imperial-occupied South Figaro, arrested and imprisoned as a traitor when she became disillusioned with the Empire and spoke against them. Locke frees her and Celes accompanies him and joins the Returners. However, her past as an Imperial causes some of her new allies to question her loyalties, which is not helped by her frosty and proud demeanor. Over the course of the game her relationship with Locke turns from friendship to Love Interest, causing her to gradually defrosts and become a more openly empathic person. Celes becomes the viewpoint character for the second half of the game after the party is scattered. This, and her importance throughout the story and acting as a Foil to Terra makes her a Deuteragonist

비디오 게임 Celes Chere과 유사한 문자
