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Park Jihyo (TWICE) MBTI 성격 유형

Park Jihyo (TWICE) MBTI 성격 유형 image


"Park Jihyo (TWICE)은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Park Jihyo (TWICE)은 mbti의 ESTJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 6w7 - so/sp - 613, big 5의 SLOAN, socionics의 LSE입니다."

She is NOT a Fe dom. Look she's typed as a 6w7, Choleric-Phlegmatic, 682 but people still don't want to assume that Jihyo is a ESTJ. I'm tired of people aways considering xxTJ's as cold and bossy people, like Te is something bad. Jihyo is aways using Te for complete tasks. Not only now, since sixteen she was aways naturally leading the girls and giving support, putting them to work. Not only that but she was very tough with herself; when she got critcized for her weight she took seriously and said like "This is my fault, it is my fault that i am in this state right now" That's Fi inferior. Or when people said she looked cold while singing, she didn't hesited and tryed a trot style. She took the coments very seriosly, ignored her limits just for the perfomance. When Twice were in that kbs radio show, they asked Jihyo about Twices future. She answered that doesn't support the girls going solo bc she thinks it might affect the group eficiency and the public interest, not Ti but Te. I'm not giving stereotypes like "oh her voice is loUd and people used to be sCaReD of her so she MUST be a ESTJ" No. People have prejudgement to type idols like Jihyo as Thinkers (Especially Te doms) just bc "they're don't seem insensible or strict". They think just because she has that beautiful gummy bright smile, that soft baby cheeks, a God like caring personality and big dolly eyes of hers she HAS to be a ESFJ💀


Park Jihyo, better known by her first name, Jihyo, is a South Korean singer and dancer. She is the leader and main vocalist of girl group TWICE.

KPOP 유명 인사 Park Jihyo (TWICE)과 유사합니다
