Fiora MBTI 성격 유형


"Fiora은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Fiora은 mbti의 ISTJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 1w2 - sp/so - 136, big 5의 , socionics의 ESI입니다."

Fiora and Eliwood make an interesting family of Pherae, even if a bit traditional: Fiona: ISTJ Eliwood: ISFJ Roy: INFJ Fiora is the one giving daily structure and the more pushy of the pair, worried about discipline and organisation. Eliwood is the soft, warmer but yet hard working father. Roy is the idealist, studious and "good" son, more questioning and dreamer than his parents but yet not 'out of touch' enough to clash or concern them.


The eldest of Florina's sisters, and the Commander of Ilia's 5th Wing of Pegasus Knights. Fiora's squad was decimated by the Black Fang near the Dread Island while performing recon for Pent. Her failure causes her to attempt a suicide attack just as Eliwood and company arrive at Dread Isle...

비디오 게임 Fiora과 유사한 문자
