Blake Belladonna MBTI 성격 유형


"Blake Belladonna은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Blake Belladonna은 mbti의 INFJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 1w9 - - , big 5의 , socionics의 입니다."


Voiced By: Arryn Zech A cat Faunus with a love for books. She is a former member of the White Fang who left in disgust over the increasing brutality and callous disregard for civilian lives by her former lover and mentor Adam. Blake's weapon is the Gambol Shroud, a "variant ballistic chain scythe" according to Oum with a sharpened sheath that has a pistol in the hilt, which is also attached to a long ribbon. Blake uses blade and sheath in attacking combinations, while also using the momentum of the blade anchored to an object to maneuver herself with the ribbon, even in midair. Her Semblance, "Shadow", allows her to create a hollow clone of herself that functions as an afterimage decoy while she moves in a different direction, later using Dust to give the clone an additional effect depending on the type of Dust used Volume 9, Blake and Yang confess their feelings for each other and become a couple.Blake is an allusion to Beauty and the Beast, arguably to both Belle and the beast.

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