Willy Wonka MBTI 성격 유형


"Willy Wonka은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Willy Wonka은 mbti의 ENFP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 7w6 - sx/so - 749, big 5의 SLUAI, socionics의 IEE입니다."

I think he is a ENFP. Here is my analisis. Ne: he is a natural inventor that loves to plasm his ideas to create many types of chocolates and some sorts of other inventions to ease his job a bit more. this a bit of a Te argument in his mbi too. also its clearly seem his imagination and orientation to see the probabilities at the end. (i cannot say more because it would be a spoiler) Fi: His like for the chocolate and all their types can explain this a bit more. He is making chocolate because he loves it, and loves making it, he also thinks about the feelings that chocolate could make with their taste and the variant emotions that can be combined too. Te: as i said before, he makes other inventions to ease his work, his travel-chocolate-maker is a example of this, also the machine that he did in the lavandery is another example of it. Making something effective thinking about the benefits of it, and too, thinking about the results (this one specially) is a sign of Te. Si: This is a function based on experiences, also comparing last experiences with things of the moment and doing same things if they're working correctly, his Ne dom is so obvious and this just confirms it more. He doesn't like to stand just in one place or just doing the same thing in the same way, only if it can change with other new things. Also sometimes, Ne doms also do not care at all if they failed at somethig once, it means a bit, but just a bit for them. And maybe someone would think that he is a ENTP, but i also have arguments for it like: If he would be Ti aux, he would see the things very logically way, he would have more logically reasons of why he was doing chocolate, but he didn't. All the reasons of why he is making chocolate is really just Fi in short words. Also, this would means that he has Fe ter, thing that he doesn't. He wouldn't be that fool if he would have Fe and Ti with people, because Fe knows about social arquetypes and Ti because think logically about it. He just follow his heart.


A passionate dreamer who's drive for success is only matched by his love for chocolate.

영화 산업 Willy Wonka과 유사한 문자
