1. 사람과 캐릭터
  2. 텔레비전
  3. 3 Body Problem

Thomas Wade MBTI 성격 유형


"Thomas Wade은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Thomas Wade은 mbti의 ENTJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 8w9 - so/sp - , big 5의 SCOEI, socionics의 LIE입니다."

One of the most remarkable characters I've seen. TeNi machine. He's able to take new information and data and quickly formulate a forward-looking strategy that thwarts the enemy. Very quick at adapting to changes and leading a team against all adversity. So8 also makes sense because he's willing to risk it all on behalf of the mission and his cause (which in this case, is the entire human species). He's willing to push the boundaries of the acceptable limits for the greater good, even if that means being morally ruthless in some cases. Really goes to show how effective decision making by a single individual can turn the tide of war. When it comes to facing an unseen unprecedented enemy that is technologically vastly superior to anything humans have faced, his Si blindness serves as a formidable strength, not a weakness. Si relies on past experience and tried-and-tested protocols. In such uncertain terrain, being completely independent of past experiences is useful because it gives him the latitude to come up with novel strategies on the fly. Winged tritype: 853 (So8w9, Sp5w6, Sp3w4)


Man did not Wade around while the intergalactic threat approached Earth at 1% lightspeed.
