Giygas MBTI 성격 유형


"Giygas은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Giygas은 mbti의 ISTJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 4w3 - sx/so - 468, big 5의 RLUEI, socionics의 SLI입니다."

Si You literally defeat him by bad memories of his mother. Also he's more Te+Fi begin motivated by his morals.


Known as both the “Embodiment of Evil” and the “Universal Cosmic Destroyer”, Giygas is an evil alien who, upon failing his original mission to reclaim the knowledge of PSI from humans, intends to sentence all of reality to the horror of infinite darkness. With an army of Starmen, Octobots and other deadly war machines, Giygas also uses his immense power to influence certain Earthlings to assist him, such as Pokey Minch and Geldegarde Monotoli. His influence also causes animals and people to become violent and distressed. He belongs to a race of aliens who originally had the power of PSI and, for unknown reasons, abducted humans in the 1900s and 198X.

비디오 게임 Giygas과 유사한 문자

일반적인 특성과 특성
