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Chase Hudson (lilhuddy) MBTI 성격 유형

Chase Hudson (lilhuddy) MBTI 성격 유형 image


"Chase Hudson (lilhuddy)은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Chase Hudson (lilhuddy)은 mbti의 ISFP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 7w6 - so/sx - 749, big 5의 RLUAN, socionics의 SEE입니다."

Okay I'm gonna be real with this explanation... ISFP 4w3. He is very driven by his own moral code and what he believes is right and wrong, often ignoring Te-related things by consequence. Everything in his life is centered around how he personally feels, even coming off as histrionic, melodramatic, emotional, and feeling-driven in every aspect of his life. In his ventures into music, his want to live the way he most authentically identified with came first, and he has been noted since childhood to have a need to split off from others and follow his heart (read the article I linked for more info on that last point). He has noted ignoring others judgements of how impractical his life goals were in the past, going on with what he wanted for himself disregarding others judgement. In the article, he describes his struggles with doing something practical in favor of his big dreams, something that seems to signal inferior Te and tertiary Ni, while also in real life displaying the shy and passive demeanor attributed to most Fi dominant individuals. He shows no inferior Se traits, as he doesn't appear to be short sighted or completely directed to focus on the sensory world by any means, showing more of a half-reality-half-fantasy view of life, seen best in how he stresses his purpose. I strongly doubt ESFP, and I don't see any sign of him being on the Ne/Si axis, so ISFP makes most sense from my perspective.


Social media personality and entertainer best known as @/lilhuddy on TikTok, he has amassed more than 21 million followers lip-syncing to songs of artists such as Justin Bieber and Pitbull. In 2019, he became a member of the collaborative TikTok group The Hype House alongside Charli D'Amelio, Addison Rae and many other popular TikTok creators.

인터넷 유명 인사 Chase Hudson (lilhuddy)과 유사합니다
