Giorgi Leonidze MBTI 성격 유형


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Giorgi Leonidze (1899-1966) was Georgian poet, writer and literary critic. After finishing the Tbilisi Spiritual Seminary in 1918, Giorgi Leonidze became an editor of handwritten magazines Gvirgvili and Panduri, which were produced by the Seminary. In the 1930s he initiated the founding of the Mtatsminda Museum of Writers, later transformed into the Georgian Museum of Literature, which he headed for many years. It was Giorgi Leonidze’s another brilliant initiative to open a museum in Saguramo, the estate of Ilia Chavchavadze. In 1951-1953 he was chosen to chair the Georgian Writers’ Union, and in 1957-1966 he was the head of the Shota Rustaveli Institute of Georgian Literature.

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