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Sadny Bin MBTI 성격 유형


"Sadny Bin은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Sadny Bin은 mbti의 ESTP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 7w8 - so/sx - 748, big 5의 SCUAI, socionics의 입니다."

Ok I thinked about it more and changed my mind So, from what I've gathered, he really shows much more Se rather than Ne. First, let's go back to the first episode of "Techinal". Sadny accidentally creates gold from scrap materials, and apparently sees it for the first time. When Zuruki explains how important it is and how it can save a lot of people and the whole country, Sadny doesn't even think about the possibilities of what kind of power he could gain with the gold, because he simply has zero interest in this. It doesn't look like Ne, who would be interested in thinking about different possibilities. - The Gem Of Luck, I found it... It's right in front of me! - Really? Where, where? - It's you, the Gem of Luck! - You're crazy? I am a human, not a gem. He shows no abstract thinking, and sees things as they are. Yes, he's smart and knows how to trick enemies, create difficult schemes and holograms, but that doesn't change anything. Se can be smart too, in their own way. And in what can be useful in physical world, like knowing how to attack and react. Besides all his actions in the episodes are aimed specifically at external actions. He does what he wants and what can be fun to him at the moment. He is well oriented in the physical world and has excellent reaction, and low interest in anything abstract and metaphorical. I can't see any intuite in him. If someone thinks that's not enough to explain his Se, then give me at least one concrete example of his Ne, lol. Not just vibe typing.


Sadny Bin, better known as Mr. Bin, is a recurring character in the Pretty Blood series. Mr. Bin was the first human to make contact with the Malinos, linking the two worlds together. This indirectly led to the creation of Pretty Blood (company).
