Auguste Beau MBTI 성격 유형


"Auguste Beau은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Auguste Beau은 mbti의 INTJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 5w4 - - , big 5의 , socionics의 입니다."

I can see why people would think he is an ESTJ, but I beg to disagree as INTJ makes more sense in the long run Ni dom: from the very beginning he has been manipulating Gilbert to get things done the way he wants, hell I would say that every single relationship this guy had was for the purpose of getting things done, at first using gilbert as tool to get the freedom he wants from own abusive brother, but later on he grows hyper fixated with him thus making having control of Gilbert an "end on itself" Te secondary: dosent care about subjective reality as much as having things done, however doing things is just a means to an end to him more than the end itself as a Te dom would Fi auxiliary: tretiary he dosent care much of the emotions of people and has a misanthropic view of high society as a whole, instead relying in a moral compass of his own (albeit with a completely warped morality) wich leads him to make an "freudian excuse" about his own actions to justify himself, that too leads him to make bad decisions that leads to gilbert getting away thinking that people regard emotions the same way as himself, for as good of a manipulator he is, not the same can be said as a judge of character Se inferior: this can be to most confusing aspect of why people think he is an ESTJ but in fact is the opposite as auguste is in constant se grip, caused by begin sexually abused by his older brother, he ends up repeating the cycle by abusing gilbert, and being shown that he cannot move past the things that have been done to him and move forward as well of caring more about vain things such as the decorum of his own servants and more importantly gilbert physical well being while disregarding the mental one


애니메이션 & 만화 Auguste Beau과 유사한 문자
