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Savanna Collins (VCHA) MBTI 성격 유형

Savanna Collins (VCHA) MBTI 성격 유형 image


"Savanna Collins (VCHA)은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Savanna Collins (VCHA)은 mbti의 ESTP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 9w8 - - , big 5의 SCUAN, socionics의 입니다."

I’m glad most of us are in agreement that she’s at least an XSTP, so I don’t need to do a long explanation like I did with Kendall. 😅 When I first finished A2K, I never got the impression that she’s a Ti-dom. She doesn’t tend to split hairs or having any Fe-angst. I always got the impression she was more of a Se-dom instead because of how chill and flexible she is (something that JYP mistook for complacency too btw) and she even showed signs of Ni inferior when she talked about how she can’t see herself doing normal jobs. And the more things other people pointed out and Savanna herself said, the more it just reaffirmed my thoughts about her being an ESTP rather than ISTP. Someone pointed out how she would try to talk friendly to Cristina during the LA boot camp and being friendly, meanwhile Cristina seemed oblivious to it. And she did do it at least twice. And the Who’s Savanna video also helps paints the bigger picture that there are way more consistent signals of Savanna being an ESTP rather her being an ISTP—her describing herself as “optimistic, outspoken, and laidback” and emphasizing her indecisiveness multiple times. Plus, her saying “Time doesn’t wait for anyone” and the “trust yourself” advice she would give herself a year ago? When you put all of these statements together plus her time in A2K, there are more clues pointing to her being an ESTP.


Savanna Collins (Born: July 26, 2006, Venezuelan-Trinbagonian, and from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA) is a member of JYP Entertainment and Republic Records' girl group, VCHA, formed on the 2023 trainee-reality-documentary show, A2K. Savanna was a professional gymnast for 7 years but suffered from an injury; she took up dance later on.

음악 유명 인사 Savanna Collins (VCHA)과 유사합니다
