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  2. 종교
  3. Mesopotamian

Kumarbi MBTI 성격 유형


"Kumarbi은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Kumarbi은 mbti의 ISTP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 8w9 - sx/so - 873, big 5의 RLUEN, socionics의 SEE입니다."


Kumarbi is the chief god of the Hurrians. He is the son of Anu (the sky), and father of the storm-god Teshub. He was identified by the Hurrians with Sumerian Enlil, by the Greeks as Kronos and by the Ugaritians with El. Kumarbi is known from a number of mythological Hittite texts, sometimes summarized under the term "Kumarbi Cycle". These texts notably include the myth of The Kingship in Heaven (also known as the Song of Kumarbi, or the "Hittite Theogony", CTH 344), the Song of Ullikummi (CTH 345),[1] the Kingship of the God KAL (CTH 343), the Myth of the dragon Hedammu (CTH 348), the Song of Silver (CTH 364).

종교 유명 인사 Kumarbi과 유사합니다
