Dewi Lestari MBTI 성격 유형


"Dewi Lestari은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Dewi Lestari은 mbti의 ENFP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 5w4 - sp/so - 514, big 5의 RCOAI, socionics의 EII입니다."

Ketika membaca karya dan novel Dewi Lestari (nama pena dari Dewi Lestari), kebanyakan tema yang dibawa lebih condong ke introspeksi makna hidup. Jadi, kebanyakan individu dengan tipe INFJ ini lebih condong bertanya-tanya tentang kehidupan serta seluk-beluknya secara mendalam. Ps: Ok I've read some of her books & watched some interviews of her, that she seems to use more Ne (external resources before writing, and yet she did random researches that interconnects the character, symbols, and meaning with the outer world possibilities) so changed my vote to ENFP Probably gonna changed the early paragraphs to English, but that's fine, for original archive


Dewi "Dee" Lestari Simangunsong (born 20 January 1976 in Bandung, West Java) is an Indonesian writer, singer, and songwriter. Her notable works include Supernova series, Perahu Kertas (Paper Boats), Filosofi Kopi, and Aroma Karsa.

예술 유명 인사 Dewi Lestari과 유사합니다
