History MBTI 성격 유형


"History은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? History은 mbti의 INFP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 5w4 - sp/sx - 549, big 5의 RLUEI, socionics의 ILI입니다."

Wow, when I first voted there were much less INFPs. I once read in ''the INFP survival guide'' that INFPs, more so than any other type, live in a world of identity possibilities. History might be the perfect outlet for that, since we can imagine ourselves having lived at different times and during differing worldviews, and we can think about who we would have been had we lived then. It allows us to theoretically explore a different identity while still maintaining some sense of self (the identity we assume in our heads usually still has many similarities with ourselves, mostly our Fi values). It also says, Fi best processes emotions by finding a greater truth behind it and understanding the ''why'', only then can we fully accept it.Which again makes sense in terms of liking history, the best way to find any greater truth about humanity in general is to look at humanity as a whole, not just the current country and culture we live in, which is limited. It gives our Ne more room to explore and think about. It allows us to broaden our minds and find general truths that have always applied to humanity, or we wonder why some things have changed, what the greater meaning behind either is: change or tradition. So in short: Ne might like it because A) Ne can easily find some potential in many things, even in a topic that many people find to be boring on first sight and B) because hearing about history inspires new ideas by being presented with a completely different world, things we otherwise wouldn't come into contact with or be able to think about. And through Ne-playing with ideas about how we and the world would have been back then and asking questions about the past and present and its differences and similarities- we gain a better idea on who we are as an individual, and our place in the world (or what has always made people tick).

