Peter Sellers MBTI 성격 유형


"Peter Sellers은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Peter Sellers은 mbti의 ENFP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 7w6 - sp/sx - , big 5의 SLUEI, socionics의 입니다."


Peter Sellers, CBE (born Richard Henry Sellers; 8 September 1925 – 24 July 1980) was an English film actor, comedian and singer. He performed in the BBC Radio comedy series The Goon Show, featured on a number of hit comic songs, and became known to a worldwide audience through his many film roles, among them Chief Inspector Clouseau in The Pink Panther series of films. Sellers began his film career during the 1950s. Although the bulk of his work was comedic, often parodying characters of authority such as military officers or policemen, he also performed in other film genres and roles. Films demonstrating his artistic range include I'm All Right Jack (1959), Stanley Kubrick's Lolita (1962) and Dr. Strangelove (1964), What's New, Pussycat? (1965), Casino Royale (1967), The Party (1968), Being There (1979) and five films of the Pink Panther series (1963–78).

대중 문화 유명 인사 Peter Sellers과 유사합니다
