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Madama Butterfly, Act 2: "Un bel dì vedremo" MBTI 성격 유형

Madama Butterfly, Act 2: "Un bel dì vedremo" MBTI 성격 유형 image


"Madama Butterfly, Act 2: "Un bel dì vedremo"은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Madama Butterfly, Act 2: "Un bel dì vedremo"은 mbti의 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 4w5 - - , big 5의 , socionics의 입니다."

• MBTI: INFP The song is performed by the main character, Butterfly, who envisions the day when her beloved Pinkerton will return. The singer transmits a deep sensitivity and emotion in her interpretation, which reflect a great capacity to feel and express emotions. • Enneagram: 9w1 The character in the song has a great ability to dream and fantasize, and longs for a better future. The type 9 of the enneagram is characterized by being peaceful, conciliatory and having a great capacity to dream. Wing 1 adds an element of perfectionism and responsibility, which is reflected in the way the character strives to be true to her own beliefs and values. • Temperament: Sanguine [Dominant] The song's music and lyrics evoke a mood of optimism and hope, which is a hallmark of the sanguine temperament. This temperament is associated with an emotional disposition and a tendency to act enthusiastically and positively.


"Un bel dì vedremo" is an aria from the opera "Madama Butterfly" by Giacomo Puccini. It is the most famous aria of the opera, in it Butterfly ("Cio-Cio-San") expresses to her maid Suzuki the hope that her husband, Navy Lieutenant Benjamin Franklin Pinkerton will return to her . It is one of the most moving arias in operatic literature.
