Master Juvah MBTI 성격 유형


"Master Juvah은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Master Juvah은 mbti의 ISTJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 1w9 - - , big 5의 , socionics의 입니다."


Master Juvah is an old Wardenbeast and the warden of the island of Toto'haha. He is protective, skeptical, serious, and loving towards the beastlings, as if they were his own grandchildren. Master Juvah raised Ochette to be the talented hunter she is today so that someday, she may inherit the role of the warden of Toto'haha after his passing. Master Juvah is wary of humans and bears resentment towards the chief of the human village, Cohazeh, for having her people hunt on Beastling territory and threatening violence against the beastlings in the past. Master Juvah loves Toto'haha with all his heart and would do anything in his power he could to protect it. He wishes he could spend an eternity on the cliffs of Toto'haha, peacefully watching as the waves crash against the bluffs in silence.

비디오 게임 Master Juvah과 유사한 문자
