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  3. 2010's Songs

Melanie Martinez - Mad Hatter MBTI 성격 유형

Melanie Martinez - Mad Hatter MBTI 성격 유형 image


"Melanie Martinez - Mad Hatter은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Melanie Martinez - Mad Hatter은 mbti의 ENFP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 7w8 - sx/sp - 748, big 5의 SLUEI, socionics의 EIE입니다."

I can't see 4 on the core, because it doesn't seem to focus so much on the identity and feeling of being defective - despite talking about acceptance of their personality in some parts - it mostly seems like a song about having fun in the face of chaos, using the imagination to ignore the painful feelings. And I think it really demonstrates Ne, the whole song is making associations about things with other things, understand the things that come up with real-time interpretations. 7w6 are more sociable and attentive to people, while in music she literally ignores the whole society, so i think 7w8.


My friends don't walk, they run Skinny dip in rabbit holes for fun Popping, popping balloons with guns Getting high off helium We paint white roses red Each shade from a different person's head This dream, dream is a killer Getting drunk with a blue caterpillar I'm peeling the skin off my face 'Cause I really hate being safe The normals, they make me afraid The crazies, they make me feel sane I'm nuts, baby, I'm mad The craziest friend that you've ever had You think I'm psycho, you think I'm gone Tell the psychiatrist something is wrong Over the bend, entirely bonkers You like me best when I'm off my rocker Tell you a secret, I'm not alarmed So what if I'm crazy? The best people are All the best people are crazy All the best people are Where is my prescription? Doctor, doctor, please listen My brain is scattered You can be Alice, I'll be the Mad Hatter I'm peeling the skin off my face 'Cause I really hate being safe The normals, they make me afraid
